The Green Circle Experience is a concept that was already born in 2014. Together with 5 outstanding Ecolodges in Costa Rica we created a unique journey to let travelers understand the very essence of Costa Rica.

Ever since, we have been working to improve the sustainability of our offer. Now, Green Circle travelers explore Costa Rica in a personalized, electric car. These cars are part of the first electric car sharing platform in the country, Green Circle Wheels. Private owners rent out their electric cars to Green Circle travelers.

Besides, we have been adding various new hotels and lodges to our Green Circle community. Some 20 Ecolodges Costa Rica now offer their great services to you as Green Circle traveler.

Each hotel and lodge has measured its carbon footprint. To us and to them, this is only a first step, but an essential one, since this enables us to offset your carbon footprint in Costa Rica.

In the near future we aim to become carbon neutral or even carbon negative. As a matter of fact, because of the way various hotels are set up, you will learn during your visit that they already are carbon negative, meaning they are absorbing more greenhouse gases than they produce.

All Ecolodges Costa Rica form part of our Green Circle Ecosystem.

Because of all this, we have been able to expand and strengthen the Green Circle Experience, not only as a travel concept, but also as the journey we are making together with our partners, a journey to sustainability and a journey to maintain, to sustain the natural beauty of our country for future generations.

You will notice that each ecolodge in Costa Rica we work with and you will visit is unique in their own way, and contributes to our big goal; to be recognized as ‘’The most sustainable experience in the greenest country of the world’’.

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